Sunday, July 19, 2009

Frederick Douglass 2

Ladies and Gentlemen:
I apologize for not getting the post up this past week. I have had my mind in a million places. If you already posted your own version of chapters 3 and 4, that's okay. The format of this post is different than the last one, but because I was slacking, you're off the hook if you posted already. Also, the timeline for the 3rd post (chapters 5-8) will be slightly different. Because I am behind, I won't be looking for responses for the 3rd assignment until August 2nd. If you post before then, that is fine, though. Just make sure that you don't post until the actual post for that particular assignment is online. I'll have put it up later this week. Here's another thing: please, please, do not exceed 250 words. I seriously do not want you to do more than 250 words or less than 200.

Douglass 2 (Chapters 3 & 4):
In your own words, compare and contrast the master, Colonel Lloyd, and the overseer, Mr. Gore. Make sure to use specific examples from the text to support your comparison of these two men.

*Remember the master is the typically the owner of the plantation, and the overseer is like the master's assistant or the manager of the plantation.