Sunday, August 16, 2009

Frederick Douglass 4: Chapters 9-11

Tons of important things happen in chapters 9-11. Douglass experiences freedom of the mind and then he begins freedom from slavery. In the first paragraph, discuss either Douglass' freedom of mind or literal freedom (or both). In the second paragraph, discuss a time when you felt completely free and compare that to Douglass' experience.

Frederick Douglass 3: Chapters 5-8

I know I'm completely behind on these. I have had quite an eventful summer. Here is the posting for chapters 5-8. This is also two paragraphs. In the first paragraph, I want you to summarize Douglass' literacy experience. Discuss the who, what, when, where, and why in order to fully cover this. In the second paragraph, compare his experience to a time in your life when you "broke the rules" for all the "right reasons."